
The Interior Design Process

Our Steps To Design Success!

One of the reasons we run successful interior projects, is because we have detailed design steps that we adhere to no matter what the project is!

For our blog this month, we want to run you through the interior design process that we use to create beautiful, bespoke and practical spaces.

If you would like to see more of our work, then don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!

Step One!

The first step is we meet you, and we walk and talk through the different spaces that need our expertise! If it’s a new build, then we like to meet in your current home to peruse your architects plans. This then allows us to see the design choices you have made for your current home and how you use the spaces.

We find out about you and designs you do and don’t like. We explore how the space needs to work and what needs to be added to achieve beauty and practicality. Then we chat styles and design influence and discuss the important factor of budget.

We get into the nitty gritty, with what we call “the drill down chat”. This is because we want to know about everything that is important to you and your family, whether that’s work, travel, hobbies we want to know, so we can translate it all into a design which is individual and unique to you. 

Step one-Sadie Pizzey Interiors Design Stages.

Step Two

This is the sharing element of the design and some clients like to do more research than others! This is an individual choice, some clients love to browse and have strong visual ideas that they like us to weave into the design of their home.

Other clients have no strong ideas and really want us to create a vision, building from all the information we have pieced together from our “drill down chat!”

If clients want to add their input then Pinterest boards can be exceptionally helpful. We also encourage our clients to share any images, magazine cuttings and samples that help us gain an understanding of the overall look and feel of the space. Sometimes it’s a perfect piece of furniture that you have seen or have acquired from a family member and that then becomes the start of our creation. Sometimes travel destinations can also give our clients the inspiration they would like to see incorporated into the design.

We work hard to make sure all these important elements become part of your home. When your home is finished, we want you to walk in and see and feel everything that is special to you and makes your home unique . 

Step Three!

Layout drawings are one of the most important stages of our design process and we are fantastic space planners. If we are working on existing spaces or a renovation, we suggest how the layout will produce the best flow, functionality, hide storage and be visually incredible.

If you are looking to make structural changes to your home, then we partner with an architect or structural engineer. Our early involvement means we can check the designed space will incorporate our brilliantly planned kitchen, organised and copious amounts of storage, the bespoke stylish cabinetry and perfect furniture layouts for everyday life to work and bring you together. 

The Interior Design Process

Step Four!

Our client’s always really enjoy the concept stage of the design process. We begin with creating initial concept boards for each space, drawing inspiration from images you’ve sent to us and what we’ve learnt about how you want to live in your home.

This again is a collaborative process, we find clients find the concept stage very helpful in helping them decide what they do and don’t want from their spaces. 

This is called the concept stage because this is about the overall look and feel we want to create in your home. We do spend time adding details such as art work, lighting, furniture, paint colours etc, but the exact choices of each item comes at the curating stage.

Step Four-Concept Boards by Sadie Pizzey Interiors.

Step Five!

Step five is the design details and usually we develop them before we begin with contractors. The reason is because we find the more details we provide our contractors, the less opportunities for mistakes and budgets spiralling.

Elevation drawings are an important part of the drawing package. This is where we drill into the details for each space, whether that’s custom cabinetry, panelling designs, kitchens or intricate bespoke details, it’s the details that create incredibly, special spaces.

We also spend time creating lighting and electrical plans. The lighting for the space is incredibly important. If you have read our previous blog on How To Light You Home, you will know that there are five layers of artificial light that can be used in your home in a variety of ways. Despite the common downlighter being a common choice by contractors and home owners, if you solely light a home with one type of light you achieve flat spaces, with no depth. We want to achieve dimensional, inviting spaces and we achieve this through layering the lighting. We add all the details to the drawing package so contractors can accurately follow them.

Elevation Drawings by Surrey based, Sadie Pizzey Interiors.

Step Six!

Project management is a critical part of our role. You can choose to work with our contractors or your own. If you are unsure of selecting your own contractors, then we have a selection of hand picked trades who we rely on for our projects.

We put together quote request packages for each necessary contractor, with all the details of the job and a drawing package to show all the elements for each space. We discuss every detail of your project with the appropriate trades before work even commences.

Site visits and constant communication is a huge part of the process. We are on site for all the crucial stages of the design: stud work, first fix, tiling, flooring, cabinetry installation, kitchens and bathrooms fit outs, second fix, decoration etc. We work very hard to create unique design details for each of our projects and it is vital that each contractor realises these details.

Step Seven!

Once we have our contractors costings established, we start to curate and search for everything that will go into each space.

Everything from kitchens, floorings, bathrooms, bespoke joinery, window treatments, artwork, colour palettes, all furniture, furnishings, accessories, any extra custom additions, we source it all.

This is a collaborative process so we share all our ideas and possible costings with you along the way. Once we have narrowed down all the options, we put together our selections in more detailed concept boards and produce all necessary physical samples for our clients to peruse.

We do also offer clients photorealistic renders of each space, which can help clients fully visualise how the whole room will look.

Our clients are then led through a full presentation for each space, along with a proposed budget for all F, F & E. We manage all procurement, bespoke orders and deliveries for every element of your home. 

The Interior Design process

Step Eight!

For our final stage we resolve any snags with contractors and we manage and coordinate full installation of all furniture and furnishings. We then style the spaces so that you home looks absolutely incredible. Then finally we present you with a project binder, which details everything you need to know to look after your space. 

Design Step Eight by Sadie Pizzey Interiors.

Renovating your home should be exciting and inspiring, when you work with us we remove the stress and fatigue that most people experience through a build. We create unique, beautiful spaces that completely represent our clients and make them feel inspired and uplifted. If you would like to discuss an upcoming project with us, then please get in touch!

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